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Looking for
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

LF good supp vc requireD


playing on mid
playing on bot
Playing as draven
looking for support
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

need nice support dm me if interested, im smurfing from masters

playing on bot
Playing as smolder
Playing as twitch
Playing as zeri
looking for mid
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Best rank: Gold IV

Looking for long time duo partner from iron/bronze to master.

I speak spanish, english and swedish.

I don't play with toxic people, so be chill and have fun.

Dm on discord

playing on jungle
playing on fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

LFD,I'm playing supp.

playing on support
Playing as janna
Playing as milio
Playing as nami
looking for bot
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Looking for anything

dm me on dc

playing on jungle
Playing as gragas
Playing as skarner
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf enchanter lol exdi

playing on bot
Playing as draven
Playing as kogmaw
Playing as twitch
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

I want to climb so bad. I play tryhard. can VC

playing on top
looking for jungle
looking for mid
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Looking for duo on dia4 smurf

playing on support
looking for jungle
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Lets win some games and see the Lp rolling in

I prefer to use Voice

im looking for an Leona or an Engage support "Main"

Dm me on Discord Please be around my rank

playing on bot
Playing as nilah
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

70% winrate 200lp qiyana mid

⭐️Lf mental smurfduo fresh acc 70%winrate emerald 1⭐️

playing on mid
Playing as qiyana
looking for jungle
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Trade offer: I play Lulu Yuumi or Nami and you give me LP

I love to go on junglers like Eve, Yi and similiar.

I can make not losing hard bot by myself, ADCs cannot 2vs8

playing on support
Playing as lulu
Playing as nami
Playing as yuumi
looking for jungle
looking for bot
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf duet supp/mid, +d4

playing on jungle
playing on bot
Playing as belveth
Playing as hecarim
Playing as khazix
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

ima flame you the very moment u missed ur skillshot u damn losers

playing on mid
playing on bot
looking for jungle
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

duo duo duo!! before my janna becomes a piece of.... ;w;

be a smurf please

playing on support
Playing as janna
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Arams anyone??

playing on jungle
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lfd plat emerald support

playing on jungle
playing on bot
Playing as kogmaw
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Hi, I'm Main Jungle Gold I Belveth/Udyr/Xin and I'm looking for a partner with a similar elo to play with regularly and go up to Diamond together

playing on jungle
Playing as belveth
Playing as udyr
Playing as xinzhao
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

need a otp bronze for climb , tryhard only , no vc

playing on top
playing on support
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf duo in bot i can play both supp or adc

playing on bot
playing on support
looking for bot
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

hi, lfd in bronze/silver, non toxic and chatting would be nice, 1-2 games, pref adc, unfortunately i am rather stuck in bronze^^ ing: ssaarr#EUW

playing on support
Playing as lulu
Playing as nami
Playing as sona
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

Smurfing jungle. Looking for duo to hit masters. Have 65% + Winrate.

playing on jungle
looking for mid
looking for fill
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lfd placements plat3 3-0 no yuumi

playing on bot
Playing as caitlyn
Playing as kaisa
Playing as twitch
looking for jungle
looking for support
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lfd on lvl 30 acc main banned atm

playing on mid
looking for fill
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

master supp main, looking for plat/emerald. i wanna chill, so don't expect me to 1v9, but i'll do my best. vc required. send friend request on league

playing on mid
playing on bot
looking for fill
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

I play only velkoz 65% wr

looking for emerald or high plat duo

playing on support
Playing as velkoz
looking for jungle
looking for mid
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lfd pref adc in plat elo.

playing on support
Playing as nami
Playing as yuumi
Playing as janna
looking for bot
looking for fill
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf a duo partner to climb with, hmu if ur chill ^^

playing on bot
looking for support
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

need aram buddies ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა

playing on support
Playing as lulu
looking for jungle
looking for bot
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

Rushing masters (P4 7-0 +40LP E4 MMR). Rank 1 Yi EUW S9. LF midlaner with useful champ pool and impactful playstyle. Be 400+ on main with proof.

playing on jungle
Playing as graves
Playing as masteryi
looking for mid
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

I play on Jhin, Varus, Sivir (sometimes Vayne, Samira, Nilah)

But can play on sup (Nautilus, Pantheon, Pyke) and jngl :3

playing on bot
playing on support
looking for bot
looking for support
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood


playing on support
looking for top
looking for jungle
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Looking for long term duo to grind to master have 2 dia accs one where I can just do whatever I want on and my main, can also Smurf in emerald and lower, am d2 80 % in flex so can also flex

playing on bot
playing on support
looking for support
looking for fill
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf flex

soraka/yummi/ lulu

playing on support
looking for fill
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Looking for duo.

playing on bot
looking for fill
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

hey! new acc in gold, lf decent support for some games. prefer swedish! im diamond adc main ^^

playing on bot
Playing as draven
Playing as kaisa
Playing as samira
looking for support
looking for fill
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

lf lulu /nami

playing on jungle
playing on bot
looking for support
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood


playing on jungle
playing on support
looking for fill
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

smurfing in gold, been very unlucky with my teammates need a duo to help. dm if ure interested with ur opgg

playing on top
playing on mid
Playing as camille
Playing as kled
Playing as riven
looking for jungle
looking for support
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf duo silver/gold (dutch if possible)

playing on jungle
Playing as shaco
looking for mid
looking for fill
13 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Hello, looking for some fun games in gold :D (not toxic pls)

playing on bot
playing on support
13 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf enchanter mains (lulu maybe) or frontlines ( me *60wr rat plyer(

playing on bot
Playing as ashe
Playing as kogmaw
Playing as twitch
looking for support
looking for fill
13 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Kogmaw main Looking for a Milio/Lulu/Soraka smurf to rush dia

playing on bot
Playing as jinx
Playing as twitch
Playing as vayne
looking for support
13 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

play some games

playing on top
playing on bot
looking for fill
13 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Master last season, decayed account.

Learning Kindred on random Emerald acc.

or can duoq any elo.

playing on jungle
looking for fill
13 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

I want to climb i guess so come play and lets have fun winning games

playing on bot
Playing as nilah
looking for support
13 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

time for some before my friend comes

playing on jungle
playing on mid
looking for jungle
looking for support
13 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Looking for tryhard to master... dia4 atm peak last season master.. no vc.

playing on mid
playing on bot
Playing as zeri
Playing as jinx
Playing as draven
looking for fill
13 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lfd i want to climb i guess so come play and lets have fun winning games

playing on fill
looking for fill
13 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

LF Midlaner with(54%wr+ on Mains) and Voice chat + Good communication. I level 3 gank Mid every game and play for either snowballing resources and objectives or kills.

playing on top
playing on jungle
Playing as karthus
Playing as pantheon
Playing as xinzhao
looking for mid
13 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Dia 2 Main Midlaner LFD | Full Tryhard | With Mic | Dm with

Your Profile:

-Dia 3+

-Have 1 Main Role (visible in

-Full Tryhard ambition


playing on mid
Playing as lux
Playing as twistedfate
Playing as veigar
looking for fill
13 hours ago

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