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Looking for
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Master Top lf duo, currently dia

playing on top
Playing as aatrox
Playing as ksante
Playing as urgot
looking for fill
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

need solo laners

my peak 900 with proof ea

playing on jungle
Playing as ekko
Playing as kindred
Playing as viego
looking for top
looking for mid
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

Smurfing looking for Duo q too climb even faster.

playing on top
playing on bot
looking for fill
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

ADC main, can play most hypercarries as well as at least mastery 3 with every adc, just looking for a solid support. Vc isnt needed

playing on bot
Playing as aphelios
Playing as twitch
Playing as zeri
looking for support
looking for fill
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood


playing on support
Playing as lulu
Playing as nami
Playing as yuumi
looking for fill
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf duo im stuck

playing on bot
playing on support
Playing as lulu
Playing as yuumi
looking for fill
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lfd, I can vc,

let's play and have fun

playing on bot
Playing as kogmaw
Playing as kaisa
Playing as ashe
looking for support
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lfd jungler pref

playing on mid
Playing as vex
looking for jungle
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

d4 panth otp mid duo vc pref

playing on mid
Playing as pantheon
looking for fill
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

lf duo pref nami janna

playing on bot
Playing as karthus
looking for support
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

- Enchanter main LF ADC duo Plat+ or Smurf acc

- Nami/Seraphine/Zyra + Other

- English/Dutch VC - 21+

- Need help to get unstuck from shit queue.

- No edaters or other nonsense, go touch grass pls.

playing on support
looking for bot
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Hi, I'm Main Jungle Gold I OTP Udyr with 3,5 million points and also i play Belveth, Xin-Zhao and I'm looking for a partner with a similar elo and go up to Diamond together

playing on jungle
Playing as belveth
Playing as udyr
Playing as xinzhao
looking for fill
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

lf smurf or 65%wr+

playing on top
looking for jungle
looking for support
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

LF duo to play with on my alt i am gold on it i peaked master here and gm 500 lp on eune please dont be toxic and enjoy the game vc is optional

playing on top
playing on fill
looking for fill
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

honestly just looking for people to play any gamemode! i'm down for whatever :)

playing on top
playing on mid
looking for fill
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

lf duo to play ranked w, i can play other sup too! :D

playing on support
Playing as janna
Playing as lulu
looking for fill
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

need chill support to duo with.

playing on bot
looking for support
looking for fill
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

lf duo adc, pref smurf or +70%wr, free elo. Must be adc who can 1v5.

playing on support
Playing as pyke
Playing as thresh
Playing as yuumi
looking for top
looking for jungle
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

only good players

playing on support
looking for fill
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf someone can help me to climb

playing on top
Playing as trundle
looking for fill
19 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Master 220LP peak last of split

Be chill and don't tilt, otherwise we are turbo chilling, can even play in bronze 4fun if you wanna play with me msg me on discord :p

playing on top
playing on mid
looking for fill
20 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

D4 mid lf duo, got lower elo account too just dont be toxic :)

playing on mid
looking for support
looking for fill
20 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lookin for human preferably adc , currently my rank is gold close to plat

playing on jungle
playing on support
Playing as thresh
Playing as kayn
20 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

duo p+ no vc

20 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

fkn decayed shibal, lf duo in plat/emerald :3 to unrust a bit

playing on bot
Playing as draven
looking for support
20 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Very Chill climb to Emerald

playing on jungle
playing on support
looking for top
looking for mid
20 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

400 LP east looking for duo around plat emerald - last season acc p1 high mmr

playing on jungle
Playing as hecarim
looking for fill
20 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

looking for a duo to full win and have fun, no toxic players please!

playing on mid
playing on support
looking for jungle
looking for bot
20 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

hii im playing adc looking for a supp(plat/emerald). vc optional. dm me!

playing on bot
Playing as caitlyn
Playing as jinx
Playing as ashe
looking for support
20 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf duo support

playing on bot
Playing as jinx
Playing as kaisa
Playing as vayne
looking for support
20 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

lf m+ jngl or lulu/milio etc dm discord

playing on bot
looking for jungle
looking for fill
20 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

looking for a good silver/gold jungler/midlaner to rank up with

playing on top
Playing as drmundo
looking for jungle
looking for mid
20 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
playing on bot
playing on support
Playing as janna
Playing as lulu
Playing as draven
20 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Turbo Climbing while streaming

every agrassiv adc is Fine

playing on support
looking for jungle
looking for bot
21 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

add 4 aram/tft ♡

playing on support
Playing as janna
Playing as nami
Playing as lulu
looking for jungle
looking for bot
21 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Mid LF agressiv jungle (ivern/sej/maokai/zac etc) camp mid

Or roaming supp that plays for mid

Must be able to vc, Dm opgg

playing on mid
Playing as yasuo
Playing as yone
looking for jungle
looking for support
21 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lfd fresh 0-0 be m+, me adc (can vc if u want)

playing on bot
Playing as kaisa
looking for fill
21 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Hi, I'm looking for a duo. I can play Mid or Adc just add me or text me on discord. Only fun vibes.

Playing as zeri
looking for mid
looking for bot
21 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

slapping in low elo (bronze/silver)

for da clips, wins only, be d+, 21+

playing on jungle
looking for fill
21 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

SUPPORT - looking for Duo


playing on support
Playing as leona
Playing as nami
Playing as nautilus
looking for bot
21 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Hey fellas, looking for someone to duo with, i'm a beginner aswell so don't flame me thx :D

playing on mid
playing on bot
Playing as akshan
Playing as zeri
looking for bot
looking for support
21 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

lf supp

(enchaters get a celine bag)

playing on bot
Playing as zeri
looking for support
21 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Looking for a chill duo to play with, i play on a diamond 3 account

playing on bot
Playing as tristana
Playing as vayne
looking for jungle
looking for fill
21 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

Yuumi main, Lf a serious long term non toxic duo/smurf to win with! c: (be at least master+, no top and midlaners pls..)

playing on support
Playing as karma
Playing as soraka
Playing as yuumi
looking for jungle
looking for bot
21 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

wow best pyke mid euw wtf??

playing on mid
playing on support
Playing as pyke
21 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Noob enchanter lf duo ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖

playing on support
Playing as sona
Playing as soraka
Playing as yuumi
looking for bot
looking for fill
22 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

m300 supp lfd in masters

playing on support
Playing as rell
Playing as renata
Playing as braum
looking for jungle
looking for bot
22 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

looking for enchanter that doesn't tilt

playing on bot
Playing as aphelios
Playing as smolder
looking for support
22 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

suffered this season, now i want a duo c:

super chill~ // lfd any role c: feel free to dm me

playing on support
Playing as janna
Playing as nami
Playing as soraka
looking for fill
22 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

looking for a chill duo 20+

playing on support
Playing as heimerdinger
Playing as lux
Playing as seraphine
looking for jungle
looking for mid
22 hours ago

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