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596 Players are currently waiting for you!

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Looking for
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

lfd d4+

got eme accs too if u wna chill (dont have c4ncer optional)

playing on mid
playing on support
Playing as diana
Playing as hecarim
Playing as lulu
looking for fill
10 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

lf someone to play on silver gold account

playing on support
playing on fill
looking for fill
10 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

need help to hit dia

Playing as draven
Playing as twitch
Playing as varus
10 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
playing on top
looking for jungle
looking for mid
10 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Hi! Aggressive support looking for a main ADC to rank up. VC and long-term pref.

I might've ignored you by mistake, feel free to text again


playing on support
Playing as blitzcrank
Playing as lulu
Playing as nautilus
looking for bot
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Why havent we played together yet? its easy wins, realy. looking to play on not main acc aka smurf on gold-plat

playing on mid
Playing as ahri
Playing as hwei
Playing as kassadin
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Tryna go back to diamond i play both mid jg

playing on jungle
playing on mid
Playing as kassadin
Playing as hecarim
Playing as vladimir
looking for jungle
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

hi! Nilah otp, looking for a solid duo to hit diamond with before incoming Nilah nerfs (currently E2)

pref VC but optional, dm me on Disc pls

playing on bot
Playing as nilah
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

LF supp main in bronze/silver/gold/plat/em/dia


Msg on discord

playing on jungle
playing on bot
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

back to the game after 5 months break XD silver acc im bad ( send a message on discord)

playing on top
playing on support
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf sona abuser, tft grinder, climber irl

playing on jungle
Playing as khazix
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

lf engage supp

playing on bot
Playing as draven
Playing as samira
Playing as vayne
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Looking for good support to climb fast and also have fun

Im a smurf in west actual rank is master.

playing on bot
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

Looking for a tiltproof duo in plat-emerald! DM me on discord🧐

playing on mid
playing on bot
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Looking for a duo who can help me improve or to improve together! Looking for someone who also wants to climb.

playing on bot
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf king for stomping bot with queen nami (or jgl eve), prefer adc's like aphel/vayne/kogmaw/draven/samira/varus/twitch, i play very aggresive usually, no cringe ego smurf. almost diamond, send help

playing on support
Playing as evelynn
Playing as lulu
Playing as nami
looking for bot
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Aphelios one trick, Looking for a chill due :)

playing on bot
playing on fill
Playing as aphelios
looking for support
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

suche longterm supp


playing on bot
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

lf lulu /nami

playing on jungle
playing on bot
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Was plat 3 in the start of the season and emerald last season lol... Its a decent into hell! Trying to grind back to plat as soon as possible! Looking for a chill Guy, not toxic :)

playing on top
Playing as camille
Playing as jayce
Playing as sett
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

gold or plat duo :3

playing on fill
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf plat-emerald supp

playing on bot
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

on a Gold 2 smurf, lf duo in Gold/Plat - be human, have hands and not socially inept. thx

playing on top
playing on mid
Playing as urgot
Playing as jayce
Playing as ahri
looking for jungle
looking for support
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

LFduo for a game or two

playing on support
Playing as nami
Playing as blitzcrank
Playing as bard
looking for bot
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

hello I am voli main I wanna climb, try your best and have fun, dw no tilting and flaming, just don't troll , we voice too if u want, just DM me in discord

playing on top
Playing as nasus
Playing as tahmkench
Playing as volibear
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

looking for a long-term duo. Finished last season in Emerald.

playing on mid
Playing as ahri
Playing as vladimir
looking for jungle
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

LF supp chill pref vc : )

looking for bot
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

looking for duo bot.

let's go for masters :)

playing on support
Playing as milio
Playing as nami
Playing as yuumi
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

master 120 top lf chill duo on d2 acc

playing on top
playing on mid
Playing as trundle
looking for jungle
looking for mid
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

send opgg no enchanters

playing on bot
Playing as draven
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

NO MIC. im playing really bad lately so im not really useful, i just play enchanters. i dont speak eng but i can write a little. chiki chiki slim shady

playing on support
Playing as janna
Playing as lulu
Playing as nami
looking for bot
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lfd on fresh

playing on support
Playing as karma
Playing as lulu
Playing as thresh
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf duo who can can carry (18+ have good english)

playing on fill
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Emerald, Ex Diamond.

Trade offer: I play Lulu Yuumi or Nami and you give me LP

I love Junglers and Midlaners that can play well

I can make not losing bot by myself, ADCs cannot 2vs8

playing on support
Playing as lulu
Playing as nami
Playing as yuumi
looking for jungle
looking for bot
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

lfd on g3 freshie

playing on jungle
Playing as diana
looking for fill
11 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

D1 Peak last szn, looking for a Dia+ ADC player to feed.

playing on jungle
Playing as jarvaniv
looking for bot
looking for fill
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

looking to push ranked this season, dm discord

engage or enchanter only please.

playing on bot
Playing as nilah
Playing as samira
Playing as vayne
looking for support
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lookin for duo to climb w and glidemaxx in c3ncerlow🤙 (be able to play enchanter, dont be mega toxic) lEatAhriFeet#B411s

playing on bot
Playing as ashe
Playing as kogmaw
Playing as twitch
looking for support
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Our team Red Lotus is searching for a ADC If you are intrested. DM me on discord bezli_

for our B Team. Gold elo

looking for bot
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

LF duo to climb GOLD. Add me and let's play =D

playing on bot
Playing as zeri
looking for jungle
looking for support
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

looking for vayne im dia yuumi main

playing on support
Playing as yuumi
looking for bot
looking for fill
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

70%wr Seraphine/Soraka main, looking for anyone to reach diamond with

playing on support
Playing as seraphine
Playing as soraka
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Plat 1 solo diamond 3 flex looking for someone to climb with in duo q

playing on top
playing on jungle
Playing as karma
Playing as mordekaiser
Playing as shen
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

just a duo

playing on jungle
playing on bot
Playing as samira
Playing as varus
Playing as viego
looking for top
looking for support
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Looking for a support for some duoQ games !

playing on bot
Playing as kogmaw
Playing as twitch
looking for support
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Lf duo to grind with

playing on bot
Playing as jinx
Playing as kaisa
Playing as kalista
looking for fill
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf someone can help to get silver

playing on top
Playing as trundle
looking for jungle
looking for fill
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

plat/em acc

12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

Lf Draven main on my silver 2 Smurf acc

playing on support
Playing as thresh
looking for bot
12 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood


playing on jungle
playing on support
looking for fill
12 hours ago

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