Smolder - A RiftQ New Champ Challenge
31st January - 00:00 → 21st February - 23:59 CET
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Dragon Practice - PASSIVE

INNATE: Smolder generates a stack of Dragon Practice each time he hits an enemy champion with an ability, or whenever Super Scorcher Breath kills a minion or monster. His basic abilities deal bonus magic damage based on stacks.

  • Super Scorcher Breath: Deal bonus magic damage equal to 40% − 52% (based on critical strike chance) of Dragon Practice stacks.
  • Achooo!: Deals bonus magic damage equal to 55% of Dragon Practice stacks.
  • Flap, Flap, Flap: Attacks each deal bonus magic damage equal to 20% of Dragon Practice stacks.

Super Scorcher Breath - Q

ACTIVE: Smolder spits a fireball at the target enemy that deals physical damage (15, 25, 35, 45, 55 + 15% + 50% magic damage based on the number of his Dragon Practice stacks), increased by 0% − 30% (based on critical strike chance), and applies On-hit icon on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness and Life steal icon life steal at 50% effectiveness.

Super Scorcher Breath becomes empowered with new effects based on Dragon Practice stacks:

  • 25 STACKS: The fireball explodes upon collision to deal the same physical damage to nearby enemies.
  • 125 STACKS: The fireball sends forth 2 (+ 1 per 100 Dragon Practice stacks) bolts of fire in an arc upon collision that explode at maximum range, dealing 75% of the same physical damage to enemies hit.
  • 225 STACKS: Enemies hit are set on fire for 3 seconds, causing them to take bonus true damage equal to「 6.5% of their maximum health over the duration, 」capped at 300 against monsters. Enemy champions are also executed if they are damaged to or while below 2% (+ 1% per 40 of Dragon Practice stacks ) of their maximum health.

Super Scorcher Breath deals 110% damage against minions and monsters.

Achooo! - W

ACTIVE: Smolder sneezes a fiery glob in the target direction that deals physical damage (70, 90 110 130 150 + 25% + 35%) to enemies hit and slows them by 35% for 1.5 seconds, slowing down in missile speed after travelling 1200 units. Hitting an enemy champion creates an explosion that deals physical damage (25, 40, 55, 70, 85 + 65% + 50% magic damage based on the number of his Dragon Practice stacks) to nearby enemies, with subsequent explosions against the same target dealing 75% damage.

*Each consecutive explosion does 75% damage. Smolder can only gain one Dragon Practice stack per champion hit. This ability does 140% damage to minions and monsters.

Flap, Flap, Flap - E

ACTIVE: Smolder takes flight for 1.25 seconds, gaining 100% bonus movement speed, unobstructed vision (This is a type of sight that permeates through terrain. It allows the unit to be able to see beyond their sight radius if otherwise obstructed by terrain, although they won't be able to see into Ivern's bushes unless they had sight of the inside. Abilities such as: Talon's e, Aurelion Sol's flight, Zeri's wall ride, Zoe's Ultimate all benefit from unobstructed vision), and the ability to ignore terrain collision. While in flight, he automatically fires up to 5 - 10 (based on critical strike chance) bolts at the nearest and most wounded visible enemy, dealing physical damage (15, 20, 25, 30, 35 + 10% +17.5% magic damage based on the number of his Dragon Practice stacks) with each hit and prioritizing enemy champions.

Flap, Flap, Flap ends immediately if Smolder casts one of his abilities or becomes Stun icon immobilized.

*Attacks each deal bonus magic damage equal to 17.5% of Dragon Practice stacks.


ACTIVE: Smolder shouts for his mother to attack from above, causing her to exhale a wave of fire from behind him and towards the target direction, granting sight of its surroundings as it travels. The heals Smolder for (110, 160, 210 + 75%) and deals physical damage (225, 350, 475 +110% + 100%) to enemies hit, with those in the center taking 30% increased damage based on critical strike chance and becoming Slowed by 40% for 2 seconds.

Progression and game phase strategy


Early game your main focus should be rushing for level 2 and taking quick trades with the enemy. Using you splash damage abilities, utilizing the Aoe damage will earn you easy early game prio, use this to maneuver with your jungler. Getting an early health lead will help. Focus on farming and poking the enemies to earn as many stacks of your passive as you can early game. Keep an eye out for the enemy's cooldowns and look for quick trading windows.

After destroying the bottom lane tower, go to the mid lane and try to knock down that tower too. It'll open up the map and give your team more gold.

Your first power spike should be level 3 where you unlock all 3 of your basic abilities. With all the abilities unlocked, you can utilize Smolders E to reposition in fights and look for better trades. At level 6, you can look for early game teamfights or taking riskier duels due to clutch healing granted by your Ultimate ability.


Stay with your Support throughout the mid-game. If you move away from them, you will be an easy target for the enemy. Make sure you’re always near at least 1 ally who could provide peeling since your only mobility ability can be interrupted by any form of hard cc. Group up and stay with your team at all times. Don't lose tempo by split pushing and potentially getting yourself killed so try not to distance yourself too far if the enemy team has a dive oriented comp.

Smolder will max out his first ability at level 9, which is usually his Q. His splash damage output will be quite high in trades if you have taken stacking your passive seriously early game. Furthermore, the more ahead he gets early on, the faster his Q upgrades will be. He should be able to get well-into maxing out his upgrades during the mid-game. At level 11, Smolder will put his second point in his Ultimate, which will enhance his damage output even further.


If you make it till the late game mark, you will pretty much lay waste upon anyone during teamfights. Look to position yourself accordingly to maximize damage output by splashing damage to as many enemies as you can.

In the late game, you’ll put a third point in your Ultimate. Your Ultimate’s damage output as well as granted healing in fights and skirmishes will be quite high. If you properly farmed your Dragon Practice stacks the splash damage output should devastate enemy backline no matter how well they are peeled.


  • Smolder is one of 15 champions that have an ability that infinitely stacks an effect: Aurelion Sol, Bard, Bel'Veth, Cho'Gath, Draven, Kindred, Nasus, Senna, Shyvana, Sion, Swain, Sylas, Thresh, and Veigar
  • In Smolder's case, Dragon Practice stacks gained through Dragon Practice permanently increase the bonus damage of his basic abilities and Super Scorcher Breath's bolt amount and execute threshold as it upgrades.