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Looking for
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

looking for jg/mid

fiora otp 400k

ign fiorophile#784

55% wr

better if we use vc

playing on top
Playing as fiora
Playing as shen
looking for jungle
looking for mid
3 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Hi im pete, im tryna find a duo, im on a diamond 2 acc and going for masters, voice is a need, im 21 and from denmark ;)

playing on mid
looking for fill
4 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

looking for a long term duo, would love me a support main but anything works

playing on top
playing on bot
Playing as darius
Playing as draven
Playing as trundle
looking for support
looking for fill
8 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Looking for agressive adc to dominate.

playing on support
Playing as maokai
looking for bot
9 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

LF duo in E4 atm Im jg main smurf just need a lane to play around. Free LP.

playing on jungle
looking for top
looking for mid
11 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

wanna get to p1 tonight vc pref

playing on bot
looking for support
14 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

need friends

playing on top
playing on support
Playing as aatrox
Playing as akshan
Playing as alistar
looking for fill
17 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

looking for a chill duo in emerald or plat

playing on mid
playing on fill
looking for fill
34 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

good duo to rush master me jg

playing on jungle
playing on fill
34 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
playing on bot
looking for support
looking for fill
34 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

LF enchanter duo on silver account

playing on bot
Playing as zeri
looking for support
35 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

anyone to win with i never lose but this acc is so fucked so i need to save it again haha emeraud 1 going back master dm me prefer smurfs to ez carry cuz they r uncarriable i play all supps +++

playing on mid
playing on support
Playing as bard
Playing as braum
Playing as karma
looking for fill
38 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

heca otp looking for sup duo to hit masters i was d2 euw

playing on jungle
looking for fill
42 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Lf chill games

42 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

challenger jg lfd

all proof in dms just be nice

playing on jungle
looking for fill
44 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Looking for a duo at least diamond 4 no vc

playing on support
Playing as yuumi
Playing as lulu
Playing as milio
looking for bot
looking for fill
52 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Looking for duo , I can play any lane , I also got bronze and E4 accounts

playing on top
playing on mid
Playing as aatrox
Playing as gangplank
Playing as twistedfate
56 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Need supp or jungle player so we can ✈🏙 Humans only.

playing on mid
playing on bot
Playing as lucian
Playing as senna
Playing as veigar
looking for support
looking for fill
56 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

meow 💩

playing on support
looking for jungle
looking for bot
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Just to have good time with :) OR tryhardrs to climb in higher elos.

I play top (main), mid, jg and adc.

I'm open to varius conversations while playing. (20yo)

Macedonian main language + Serbian/Engl.

playing on top
playing on jungle
Playing as darius
Playing as irelia
Playing as vayne
looking for fill
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

hihi enchanter main dms open x (can vc :3)

playing on support
Playing as lulu
Playing as nami
Playing as soraka
looking for bot
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

ADC (main) - Sup (secondary) LF duo any role / No toxicity / Preferable voice chat / 18+

playing on bot
playing on support
looking for fill
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Coffee is ready anyone adc main is welcome PLAT-GOLD

playing on support
looking for bot
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

susan enjoyer and draven enthusiast :) LFD if good support prefer not yuumi or lux please dont be a towerhugging enchantres

playing on mid
playing on bot
Playing as draven
Playing as nasus
looking for support
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf mid or top that dont int so we can win the game I need to climb please im silver i play jungle and mid

playing on jungle
playing on mid
Playing as evelynn
Playing as kayn
Playing as talon
looking for top
looking for mid
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

D4 mid on euw, got lower elo account too just dont be toxic :)

playing on mid
looking for support
looking for fill
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf duo I'm main sup em4 last season

playing on support
looking for jungle
looking for bot
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood


playing on bot
Playing as jinx
Playing as kogmaw
Playing as twitch
looking for jungle
looking for support
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

looking for someone in plat ready to chill out and try to climb for a bit

playing on jungle
playing on fill
Playing as nidalee
Playing as viego
Playing as xinzhao
looking for fill
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

11-0 bronze acc looking for duo

playing on top
looking for jungle
looking for mid
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

- Hi, LF - ADC/JGL to Diff the game.

VC as you like -


playing on support
Playing as lulu
looking for jungle
looking for bot
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

looking for a supp prefer engager

playing on bot
playing on support
Playing as kaisa
Playing as rakan
Playing as xayah
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

rank 160 senna 67%wr ADC. i play for fun but also can carry

playing on bot
Playing as senna
looking for fill
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Lf a fancy adc :33

playing on support
Playing as lulu
Playing as nami
Playing as yuumi
looking for bot
looking for fill
1 hour ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

LFD jg preferably to rush masters (18+)

playing on top
Playing as garen
Playing as mordekaiser
looking for jungle
looking for fill
2 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

lf yuumi plat-d1 :3

playing on bot
Playing as zeri
looking for support
2 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Be human.

playing on top
playing on jungle
Playing as gwen
Playing as briar
Playing as illaoi
looking for fill
2 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

LF duo - masters EUW, doing a bet w/ friends, so gogo fast wins to masters c:

playing on top
playing on jungle
looking for fill
2 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

Looking for long-term duo, pref supp/mid smurfs, master peak adc/jg just came back to league so chilling on random accounts emerald/silver :)

playing on jungle
playing on bot
looking for mid
looking for support
2 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

yo lf supp/mid i play adc/jg pref voice calls (i was plat last season)

playing on jungle
playing on bot
looking for mid
looking for support
2 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Lf a duo

🌸Dia2 Supp Main ^^🌸

I can play: Janna,Milio,Nami,Lulu,Yuumi

try to reach D1

If u interested about me Hit me with Dm me or u can add me in lol

Mrs Mono#6666

playing on support
Playing as janna
Playing as milio
Playing as nami
looking for fill
2 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Ex Jungle/Top moving to ADC and looking for:

- nice duo bot lane games

- chit-chat while dominating lane

- coffee on the desk is a must!

playing on bot
Playing as jinx
Playing as kaisa
Playing as twitch
looking for support
2 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Aggressive most of the times it really depends on enemy team champs

playing on bot
Playing as caitlyn
Playing as jinx
Playing as vayne
looking for support
2 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

I can play w/e u want , plat - eme elo , let's play ! ^^

playing on fill
looking for fill
2 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lookin for suport or jgler

playing on mid
playing on bot
looking for jungle
looking for support
2 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

lf duo me ad/supp

playing on bot
playing on support
looking for fill
2 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Any enchanter Iron - Silver ? DM me on Discord

preff yummi , lulu

Anyone can join , dm me

playing on mid
Playing as kayle
looking for support
looking for fill
3 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

udyr otp

playing on top
playing on mid
Playing as udyr
looking for jungle
looking for mid
3 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf duo

playing on bot
Playing as kaisa
Playing as tristana
Playing as twitch
looking for support
3 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lfd in emerald i practice adc

playing on bot
looking for support
3 hours ago

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