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15 Players are currently waiting for you!

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mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

plat support (enchanter) looking for duoq or flex :3

38 minutes ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

G4 supp looking for duo

3 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

looking for chill duo :3

playing on support
Playing as lulu
Playing as yuumi
looking for bot
5 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

need 2 for flex

7 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Bronze supp looking for a nice adc with voice chat because I cant read or write in English at the moment. . Peaked d3 2019 but playing for fun-- ill play with anyone that is kind and fun.

playing on support
Playing as nami
Playing as cassiopeia
Playing as taric
looking for bot
13 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

Hi, I'm looking for a support player to duo with and try to reach Diamond. I'm flexible with my play style but I like to play an aggressive play style most of the time.

playing on bot
looking for support
18 hours ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf dia games me mid kat

1 day ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

P3 main ADC/SUPP looking for duo. Anyone around?

1 day ago
Elpatron #1904
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

lf gold or plat duo

1 day ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

g3 mid looking for duo

1 day ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

silver looking for duo PLaying supp and adc mainly

1 day ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood
+ 60%

ADC LF Support, D4 on EUW ranking NA acc :)

playing on bot
Playing as aphelios
Playing as lucian
Playing as zeri
looking for support
1 day ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

b4 supp lf adc or jg duo

1 day ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

heard, thank you. Did you find one? Else, <@452144601483051017> above is looking for it

1 day ago
mic verified local_fire_department self_improvement mood

1m = 1 more

1 day ago

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